I receive this email today and thought I would get it out to those that are looking into the decryption software for the iOS4 devices. You might want to wait until a fix or another product comes out. Read on…..
Dear Lee Reiber
iOS 4.3.4 (4.2.9) Will not Start After iOS Acquisition Toolkit Have Been Used on the Device
Issued: July 20, 2011
On July 16, 2011 Apple has released iOS 4.3.4 for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 GSM, iPad, iPod
Touch 3rd and 4th generations and iOS 4.2.9 for iPhone 4 CDMA.
These new iOS versions have additional checks to detect if other iOS version have been
used to start the device. If iOS detects such situation, it enters Recovery Mode and asks
user to restore device firmware using iTunes.
iOS Acquisition Toolkit is based on iOS 4.3.3 (4.2.8) and thus loading Toolkit on a device
running iOS 4.3.4 (4.2.9) will prevent the device from booting normally after you have
finished working with the Toolkit.
Please note that Toolkit is capable of doing acquisition of devices running iOS 4.3.4
(4.2.9). The problem arises when the device is rebooted after using the Toolkit it enters
the Recovery mode. Toolkit still can be loaded on the device by following usual steps.
If you require the device to remain bootable after acquisition please avoid using the Toolkit until the problem is resolved.
If you have already have an iOS 4.3.4 (4.2.9) device in Recovery Mode as a result of
loading Toolkit or other third-party tools please exercise extreme caution when trying to
resolve the issue as doing this incorrectly will lead to NAND being reformatted.
Affected Products
+ iOS Acquisition Toolkit version up to and including 1.04
+ iPhone 3GS with iOS 4.3.4
+ iPhone 4 (GSM) with iOS 4.3.4
+ iPhone 4 (CDMA) with iOS 4.2.9
+ iPad with iOS 4.3.4
+ iPod Touch (3rd and 4th generations) with iOS 4.3.4
Sincerely yours,
ElcomSoft Co.Ltd. team